5 Ways 3D Printing Can Help Teachers Teach Science And Math

The use of a 3D printer can be found in many situations, including in the classroom. Many teachers are finding it a great tool for helping teach students about science and math. There are many different ways 3D printing can be utilized in the classroom. Below are some top ways teachers can use the technology as an effective teaching tool.

1. Create Custom Frames

Using a 3D printer to create custom artwork frames is perfect for elementary level students. They can calculate measurements, practice their geometry skills and learn how to balance and weigh their designs. To make the projects more challenging, teachers can ask students to create extra decorations that can easily snap on or snap off of the frame to create a truly customizable piece of artwork.

2. Cross-Curricular

An idea that a teacher in Pennsylvania came up with using a 3D printer is allowing students to learn about peasants, nobility, castle designs, old structures and the tools they used in the era. The 3D printing element for these projects involves printing different designs of catapults and battering rams that students could use based on their specific designs. Students can pair up and match their printed devices against each other to see which works best.

3. Printing Maps

Another great idea teachers can implement using 3D printing technology is to create 3D printed physical maps. Printed models can illustrate mountains, hills, coastal plains and more in a given area to compare. This is a simple and effective tool for teaching geography at school.

4. Designing and Printing Bugs

3D printing can also be utilized in science class. A great way to encourage students to enjoy learning about ecosystems is to allow them to print bugs they have designed. Not only will they be learning about ecosystems, but they will also be learning about engineering and entomology as well. 3D printing allows students to see more clearly how things work.

5. Print Equations

Another way teachers can use 3D printers is to print 3D representations of math equations to allow students to easily conceptualize and visualize math problems using three-dimensional objects. Many teachers have found that 3D printing is a great motivational tool to get students engaged in learning. When they can hold something in their hands that they have created, they have a reason to want to keep learning.

Teachers can find numerous ways to use 3D printing technology in their classrooms to better educate their students. Hands-on learning is an effective teaching method that gets better results than traditional methods. As 3D printing technology advances, more schools will be implementing 3D printers into their teaching curriculum. An added benefit is that students can take home the objects they print and use them in their free time. Check out the www.agile-manufacturing.com website to learn more information with their online resources.