6 Things You May Not Know About 3D Printers

There are many reasons why the use of 3d printer technology is gaining traction around the globe. For starters, there are more affordable options. The price you pay will depend on the level and type of printer you choose. Some of the 3d printers on the market are far more advanced and capable of producing objects that are life-changing. Check out the list below that provides information you may not know about basic and advanced 3d printers.

1. Artificial Limbs

The use of 3d printer technology in medicine is widespread. In fact, there is a significant effort in the medical field to produce artificial limbs that can be customized to meet the specific needs of patients. There has been some success in this area, but continued development is necessary.

2. Customized Products

There is software on the market used for the purpose of producing customized objects that can be made with 3d printer technology. The capabilities are expanding, especially when CAD software with 3d modeling is employed. This has enabled innovators and entrepreneurs with creative ideas to produce objects that are customized based on specific and desired outcomes.

3. Microstructures

Most people are aware of the large objects that can be created with 3d printing, such as cars and musical instruments. However, there is often limited knowledge about printing capabilities surrounding microstructures. This would be anything that’s the size of a hair strand or even smaller. Given this fact, 3d printing is used to produce components required in science for the development of medical treatments that are potentially life-saving. For further information, you may find there are more resources on the www.argylematerials.com website.

4. Sturdy Materials

Plastic isn’t the only material used in 3d printing. You’ll also find materials like silver, steel and gold. The use of quality materials can improve the outcome of 3d printed objects, which is beneficial in both manufacturing environments and when 3d printers are used for individual purposes.

5. Organ Transplants

The ability to fabricate organs for patients in dire need of a transplant is clearly a beneficial and remarkable use of 3d printers. Some patients wait years for an organ without a positive outcome. The use of 3d printing in the medical arena is promising because it has the potential to save many lives.

6. Wearable Fashion

Some find it difficult to believe that you can actually use a 3d printer to produce clothing and shoes that are wearable. This includes dresses that are customized and fitted based on dimensions provided. Some of the shoe designs that can be printed look like trainers or tennis shoes available at retail stores.

The capabilities of 3d printers are remarkable and continuing to expand across many industries. Perhaps the best news is that they are becoming more affordable and accessible by a greater number of consumers.