GEO-DRI Drought Monitoring Workshop Presentations
Session #1: Welcomes, Introduction to Manitoba and Overviews of GEO and DRI- Introduction to GEO Water and IGWCO activities (Rick Lawford)
- Introduction to Canadian GEO (Ken Korporal)
- Introduction to GEO (Douglas Cripe by telephone)
- An overview of WMO drought activities (Bob Stefanski by telephone)
- An overview of WA06-02B: Drought monitoring (Rick Lawford)
- Drought testbeds - the NIDIS example (Richard Heim)
- Canada/ US GEO testbeds and drought studies
- Drought in Southeast Asia (Orn-Uma Polpanich)
- The US NIDIS Project (Richard Heim)
- Drought in Europe: The Portuguese Condition (Corina Carranca)
- Overview of drought impacts and water management in northern Mexico (Andrea Munoz Hernandez)
- The Global Water System Project and Drought (Holm Voigt/ Charles Vorosmarty)
- World Climate Research Program: Extremes (Ron Stewart)
- GEOSS Architecture Implementation Pilot, Phase 3 - Call for Participation - and GEO Water Tasks (Will Pozzi)
- The DRI Data Legacy and GEO (Phil Harder)
- Data Access & Integration (DAI) Activities (Patrice Constanza)
- NOAA-NASA GOES-R Program and GMU CSISS Joint Efforts for Supporting GEOSS AIP-3 Drought Scenario (Genong Yu)
- Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada’s Drought Monitoring and Information System (Trevor Hadwen)
- Climate and Drought Monitoring Products at NCDC (Richard Heim)
- From a North American to a Global Drought Monitor (Richard Heim)
- The North American Drought Monitor- The Canadian Perspective (Trevor Hadwen)
- The use of VIC soil moisture in drought monitoring and forecasting in Canada and China (Lei Wen)
- Gravity Measurement and Hydrology (Ken Snelgrove)
- Monitoring groundwater and soil moisture with observation wells (Garth van der Kamp)
- JECAM and the Manitoba “Super Site” (Grant Wiseman)
- Integration of Land Surface Simulation, Remote Sensing and Field Studies in the Prairies (Al Pietroniro or Brenda Toth)
- Drought Impact Collection: Activities at the National Drought Mitigation Center and potential transferability to North America? (Mark Svoboda by telephone)
- The use of multi-source information inputs to assess drought severity and impacts through the use of indicators (Charles Vorosmarty)
- Drought Impacts on Canadian Rural Communities: Monitoring and Assessment (Elaine Wheaton)
- Monitoring drought and assessing agricultural drought impacts in Alberta (Daniel Itenfisu)
- Monitoring agricultural drought in Manitoba (Andy Nadler)
- Drought Research Initiative (DRI) Theme 1 Characterization - Applications to Drought Monitoring(John Hanesiak)
- A Proposed Prairie Water Supply Index for Drought (Kevin Shook)
- Climate Change Signals: Great Lakes (Jim Bruce)
- MB Drought Plan and Strategies: Data, Information and Assessment Needed (Abul Kashem)