2007 DRI Prediction Workshop Summary Report
2007 DRI Prediction Workshop Presentations
Large-Scale Characteristics Associated with the 1999-2005 Canadian Prairie Drought, Bonsal, B.
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Use of Canadian Regional Climate Model data and its verification during the 1999-2004 drought over
Canadian Prairies, Bhuiyan, H. and Hanesiak J.
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Prairie Drought Hydrology Prediction using the Cold Regions Hydrological Model, Shook, K.
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Reconstructing Canadian Prairie Droughts for the period from 1950 through 2005 using the Variable
Infiltration Capacity Hydrological Model, Len, W. et. al.
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Update on Data Access Interface and data available and the latest google earth development,
Constanze, P.
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Drought Research Initiative: Theme 3: Prediction, Stewart, R.
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Regional climate model simulations of the 1999 - 2005 drought, Szeto, K. et. al.
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