This page includes current news items and website updates related to the Drought Research Initiative; please click on the items below for further information.
- 2010 DRI Final Report is posted.
- DRI Legacy Efforts have been summarized.
- Climate Uncertainty: What it Means for Water Planning and Policy. Presention by John Pomeroy as part of the U of S’ Water Week which presented some results of DRI.
- Hydrological extremes: from droughts to floods” is a session which may be of special interest to DRI participants which will be held during the European Geosciences Union, General Assembly 2011, Vienna, Austria, 03-08 April 2011.
- Information and Registration now available for the Extremes Workshop
- John Pomeroy will be giving a seminar entitled Advancing Hydrological Processes to Better Predict Water Resources in Canada on November 4 at the University of Waterloo
- DRI Professional Document Final Draft- authors click here to access it for final review. To get username and password please contact DRI.
- Public version of the 2009 DRI Annual Report is now available here
- Two Prediction in Ungagued Basins (PUB) workshops upcoming in Alberta in 2011
- DRI Data page is now searchable to facilitate drought data discovery. Email suggestions for additional datasets to include and or any issues to DRI
- CUAHSI cyberseminar September 17 on “Advancing hydrological processes to better predict hydrology in cold regions” by John Pomeroy.
- Presentation by John Pomeroy entitled “Drought, Climate Variability and Water Resources in Western Canada” presented at (ISACS-3) in China now available
- An article entitled “Drought” in the Canadian Encyclopedia revised by Barrie Bonsal and Ron Stewart, highlighting some results of DRI, is now available online
- Zha, T., A. G. Barr, G. van der Kamp, T.A. Black, J. H. McCaughey and L. B. Flanagan, 2010: Interannual variability in evapotranspiration from forest and grassland ecosystems in western Canada in relation to drought. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 150, 1476-1484. [doi:10.1016/j.agrformet.2010.08.003]. Contact Garth Van der Kamp for a copy
- John Pomeroy on Western Canadian Water in The Ottawa Citizen
- Presentations for the 2010 DRI Annual Workshop are now posted
- Presentations for the GEO-DRI Workshop are now posted
- Presentations from the Prairie Hydrology workshop now available
- Canada Research Chair (NSERC – Tier 2) in Environmental or Sustainability Science Opportunity
- Prairie Hydrology Workshop details now available
- Presentations from the Second DRI Drought Prediction Workshop are now available
- The DRI Data Legacy section of the website is now operational
- Online DEWS Exercise now operational
- Drought in Canada and DRI now on Wikipedia
- NEW 2009 Prairie Drought Conditions Page is now available
- Link to updated CHANGE workshop site
- CHANGE Event Summary is available
- View the winning DRI poster
- Phillip Harder has taken over the webmaster duties from Peter Lawford. For any website related issues please contact him
- DRI Precip and Indices Workshop Summary and Presentations available
- Preparation is commencing for the publication of a DRI Special Issue
- DRI is holding a poster competition
- Information is available on the DRI water bottles
- WHEATON, E., KULSHRESHTHA, S., WITTROCK, V., and KOSHIDA, G. 2008 ‘Dry times: lessons from the Canadian drought of 2001 and 2002’ The Canadian Geographer 52(2): 241-262 contact E.Wheaton
- Luminus Magazine has an article on Ken Snelgrove and DRI Canada.
- 2007 DRI Annual Report is now available online.
- Presentations from the third annual DRI workshop are now available.
- DRI welcomes Aaron Berg as its most recent collaborator
- ‘DRI Snow Thesis’: Xing Fang recently successfully defended his M.Sc. Thesis “Snow Hydrology of Canadian Prairie Droughts: Model Development and Application” in the Department of Geography, University of Saskatchewan. This research was funded by DRI.
- 1-km Land Surface Data (Land Cover and Soil Texture)
- Observation Well Data for Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba
- NEW precipitation database links available from the Data page
- Presentations from the DRI Evaporation Workshop held on May 17, 2021 in Saskatoon, SK
- Presentations from the CMOS/CGU/AMS Congress 2007 held May 28-June 1, 2007 in St.John’s, NL
- South Saskatchewan River Basin Project - Data Library
- WMO Press Release on Extreme Weather and Climate Events
- Presentations from the DRI Prediction Workshop held on September 20, 2021 in Montreal, PQ